Opensns provides information search 카지노 사이트 XTEN along with IT related 카지노 사이트s and services including planning, consulting, design, software development, and optimal hardware selection and composition. Furthermore, Opensns provides integrated service and 카지노 사이트 for operation and maintenance.
DATA 카지노 사이트
Data Solution is the sole distributor of the most well-known statistics package, SPSS. This 카지노 사이트 has been distributing predictive analysis software solutions including statistical assessment and data-mining in the last 20 years. Furthermore, Data Solution utilizes software to provide services including analysis consulting, analysis system establishment, statistical analysis education, data-mining training, and publication and distribution of related documents.
Secuwave was established in 2013 to develop and distribute security solutions. This 카지노 사이트 focuses on the security analysis using advanced network security solution and big data against emerging threats including ART (Advanced Persistent Threat).
오픈인텔렉스는 2013년 11월 GE Estatefmf 인수하여 설립한 법인으로 그룹내 부동산 재산을 관리하는 회사로써 자사사옥 및 자사 보유 임대용 자산관리를 담당하고 있습니다.
Asia Analytics was merged by Openbase on September, 2008. This 카지노 사이트 sells the SPSS product in the Chinese market and provides related services. Asia Analytics owns the HQ in Shanghai, Beijing branch, and 12 local resellers in China.
Asia Analytics Taiwan was established on 2011 in cooperation with the local Taiwanese 카지노 사이트. This 카지노 사이트 sells the SPSS product in Taiwan and provides related services.
Nanobase was established on January, 2008. This 카지노 사이트 concentrates on R&D and production for carbon nano tube products and optical instrument and measuring equipment including tunable laser and spectrometer.